THE Global Justice Movement Website

THE Global Justice Movement Website
This is the "Global Justice Movement" (dot org) we refer to in the title of this blog.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Easter Witness

This being “Holy Week” preceding “Easter Week,” we thought it might be appropriate to highlight a publication of the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ), Easter Witness: From Broken Dream to a New Vision for Ireland:

As the short video hints, the Easter Rising began on Monday, April 24, 1916 and ended less than a week later, to all appearances a blood-drenched fiasco.  Easter Witness, however, takes the story further, giving the political and economic context of the Rising.
What makes Easter Witness unique and relevant for today, however, is that it concludes by presenting the outline of a proposal that has the potential to make Ireland a global model for systemic reform offering a more just and humane future for all.  This is a program of expanded capital ownership that would secure to every child, woman, and man the fundamental rights of life, liberty, and private property.
This, in the words of R. Buckminster Fuller, would “make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone.”  Even now, Ireland has the opportunity to establish and maintain a more free and just market system for the benefit of everyone in Ireland.  It would make Ireland a global model for the 21st Century for people throughout the world who desire economic and social as well as political freedom.