The news from the financial front is that the stock market
is still soaring, but people still seem to be poor. At the same time, the “gold bugs” are
claiming that a return to “the gold standard” is the silver bullet (sorry)
needed to cure our economic ills and balance the budget.
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United States $10,000 Gold Certificate |
First, returning to the gold standard and balancing the
budget are two different things . . . and reveal that there is no clarity on
what people mean by “gold standard.” Is
it that gold is the sole source of the money supply? That has never been the case in all of
recorded history. Is it that all forms
of money must be convertible into gold on demand? That’s a little unrealistic, too, and has
also never been the case. Convertibility
into gold (or silver, or whatever the standard is) has always been limited to
negotiable instruments representing a deposit of gold in a bank or treasury,
legal tender, or a promissory note that explicitly states it is convertible
into gold on demand. Is it simply that
the official currency or reserve currency is measured in terms of gold, with or
without convertibility? What do they
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Gold Mining |
The fact is that gold is inadequate as a standard on many
levels. This does not mean, however,
that advocates of a return to “the gold standard” (whatever that actually
means) are kooks or nuts. They realize
that money must stand for something that has value. Ideally, all asset-backed money in all forms
should be convertible on demand into the reserve currency, which should itself
be asset-backed.
Gold is an asset, and many people trust it, but there is not
enough of it. A reserve currency must
not only be asset-backed, but in an advanced economy must also be “elastic,” i.e., expand and contract directly with
the present value of existing and future marketable goods and services in the
economy. This can be done by using the
commercial and central banking system as described in CESJ’s Capital Homesteading proposal. Until then,
however, here’s what we’ve been doing to encourage a return to social,
political, and economic sanity:
• Members of the CESJ core group, Dr. Norman G. Kurland,
CESJ president, and Michael D. Greaney, CESJ’s director of research, met
yesterday with Monsignor Stuart Swetland, newly appointed president of Donnelly
College in Kansas City, Kansas, at the Catholic seminary in Emmitsburg,
Maryland. Msgr. Swetland is familiar to
many people as the host of EWTN’s television series, Catholicism on Campus. Deacon
Joseph Gorini of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, representing Evangelization
Enterprises, Inc., and informally representing the Confraternity of Catholic
Clergy, arranged and moderated the meeting.
Mr. Andrew St. Hilaire, a seminarian who recently graduated from the
Catholic University of America, attended the meeting as an observer. The focus of the meeting was areas of
agreement between the Just Third Way and Catholic social teaching, with special
emphasis on the Justice University project.
Msgr. Swetland agreed that there is widespread misunderstanding of basic
principles of justice and the other virtues throughout the whole of society,
and there is a great need for education at all levels, beginning in the
home. We anticipate a very fruitful
collaboration with Msgr. Swetland.
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"Bettendorf. It's Closer Than You Think." |
• Msgr. Swetland also mentioned that he had read Curing World Poverty: The New Role of Property (1994) when he was working on his doctorate, and remarked that he
thought well of it. Limited quantities
of Curing World Poverty are still
available, and CESJ is working on revising the book, along with Capital Homesteading for Every Citizen,
first published in 2004.
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William Cobbett, the "Apostle of Distributism" |
• Msgr. Swetland is also an authority on G. K. Chesterton,
the noted British writer, whose 140th birthday was celebrated
yesterday, the very day of the meeting (although that was not the reason for
selecting that day . . . ). This is not
surprising, as Sheen was referred to as “the American Chesterton,” although
referring to Chesterton as “the British Sheen” seems more appropriate on this
side of the pond. This might explain
some of Msgr. Swetland’s openness to the Just Third Way, as a number of people
have commented that the Just Third Way and distributism (at least the
distributism of Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc) are very close, differing only
in how capital can be financed, recognition of the act of social justice, and
the optimal size of business enterprises — all things that can be resolved very
easily. Given that, Msgr. Swetland might
be interested in some of CESJ’s publications that we did not give him, such as
William Cobbett’s The Emigrant’s Guide
and William Thomas Thornton’s A Plea for Peasant Proprietors. Maybe we’ll
send copies for the college library, as CESJ’s editions of these “Economic
Justice Classics” are annotated and footnoted, making them potentially valuable
as supplementary class materials.
• The “Unite America Party” has finalized its platform. Being based on universal principles, it is adoptable
by any other political party that wants to embed common sense into its platform. We hope to have it up and readily accessible
on the CESJ website by the end of next week.
• CESJ received an enquiry from Belgium this past week about
becoming a volunteer. Someone who works
in the administration of the European Parliament will be traveling to the
United States this summer, and is investigating the possibility of volunteering
some time at CESJ.
• As of this morning, we have had
visitors from 65 different countries and 53 states and provinces in the United
States and Canada to this blog over the past two months. Most visitors are from
the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and India. The most
popular postings this past week were “‘Inequality Is the Root of All Social
Evil’,” “Thomas Hobbes on Private Property,” “Aristotle on Private Property,” “‘Inspired
Amateurs Should Avoid Politics’,” and “Why Did Nixon take the Dollar off the
Gold Standard?”
Those are the happenings for this week, at least that we
know about. If you have an
accomplishment that you think should be listed, send us a note about it at
mgreaney [at] cesj [dot] org, and we’ll see that it gets into the next
“issue.” If you have a short (250-400
word) comment on a specific posting, please enter your comments in the blog —
do not send them to us to post for you.
All comments are moderated anyway, so we’ll see it before it goes up.