THE Global Justice Movement Website

THE Global Justice Movement Website
This is the "Global Justice Movement" (dot org) we refer to in the title of this blog.

Monday, March 10, 2025

JTW Podcast: Democratizing the Money System

Today’s podcast explains how the Economic Democracy Act (EDA) would reform today's money systems, particularly the Federal Reserve and other central banks, to finance sustainable private-sector growth while creating equal capital ownership opportunities for every citizen, from birth to death. The diagrams explain the mechanics of the Economic Democracy Act — how every citizen could obtain each year new asset-backed money and interest-free, insured, self-repaying capital credit through the commercial and central banking system, to purchase newly issued, dividend-paying, full voting shares of growing companies.

Each citizen could gain a new source of income and purchasing power from profits generated by their corporation shares, representing new productive capital assets companies use to produce more goods and services. This would enable every person to become the owner of the most advanced technologies, including robots and AI that are replacing human labor of all forms. The EDA would provide each of us the means to achieve true economic independence, where we would OWN and not BE OWNED by our tools and technologies and those who now control them. For more information visit or the Center for Economic and Social Justice at

This audio-visual presentation was produced using Descript and features an AI-generated voice.



Louis O. Kelso

You must click on the link below to get to the video, not on the photo.

Democratizing the Money System for Universal Basic Ownership

(The links right above are what you're supposed to click on.)

And if you want the playlists for previous videos:


The Greater Reset Interviews


Economic Personalism (The Book)


Economic Personalism v. The Great Reset


Book Reviews and Other Things


Socialism, Modernism and the New Age
