THE Global Justice Movement Website

THE Global Justice Movement Website
This is the "Global Justice Movement" (dot org) we refer to in the title of this blog.

Monday, June 21, 2021

JTW Podcast: The Economics of Reality and Justice

After a short hiatus, the series based on the book Economic Personalism is back.  And don’t forget that the book is available for free in e-format.  This particular episode seems to have generated some very positive comments, e.g.,

·       “You need to give a live talk! A lot of people need to hear this!! Thanks Steve for hosting these amazing speakers.”

·       “Awesome. Explanation of current Economics for the people. Thank you.”

·       “[O]ne that is purely honest and open to developing good practices in financial life.”

·       “Soylent Green is people.”

Okay, we’re not too clear about that last comment, but you can’t have everything. . . .  Anyway,



You have to click on the link below to get to the video, not on the photo.

The Economics of Reality and Justice


(The links right above are what you're supposed to click on.)


And if you want the playlists for previous videos:



Economic Personalism (The Book)


Economic Personalism v. The Great Reset


Book Reviews and Other Things


Socialism, Modernism and the New Age
