THE Global Justice Movement Website

THE Global Justice Movement Website
This is the "Global Justice Movement" (dot org) we refer to in the title of this blog.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to Save the Global Economy, Part IV

Probably no newspaper in the world has a greater degree of prestige than The London Times (the actual name of the journal is The Times of London). If not precisely at the cutting edge of exciting (i.e., "yellow") journalism, the "Letters" column in particular is noteworthy for printing missives that range from the sublime to the ridiculous — but that always receive some degree of consideration.

That being the case, it seems obvious that our final posting in this series of door opening initiatives that you can take at home to introduce the Just Third Way to prime movers and the world at large without quitting your day job should focus on following up on yesterday's urging to send a brief note to Mr. Grant Shapps, State Minister of Housing and Planning, with a suggestion that you might want to consider writing to The Times. (And — just think — if it gets published, you will be able to strut for the rest of your life and have bragging rights at every cocktail party you attend — e.g., "Did I tell you about my letter to The Times? Well, as I said to The Times — and which was printed in The Times . . . no, Jeeves, 'shaken, not stirred' . . . The Times published my letter, y'know, and, as I said to The Times . . .", etc.) So, here goes:



The Times of London
1 Virginia Street
London E98 1XY

Suggested Text:


Dear Sir(s):

Mr. Pollant Mpofu, a local official with the Labour Party in London, recently sent a letter to Mr. Grant Shapps suggesting that Mr. Shapps give serious consideration to "Capital Homesteading," a proposal developed by the Center for Economic and Social Justice ("CESJ"), as a possible means to implement Mr. David Cameron's "Big Society."

Capital Homesteading is a free market, private property-based approach to economic and social development that respects the dignity of each human person. Embodying the precepts of the natural moral law that underpin the social teachings of the world's great religions, and integrating sound economic, financial, and political principles, Capital Homesteading has the potential not only to reestablish the British economy, but that of the European Union and the world on a firm and sustainable foundation.




Dear Sir(s):

While he and other world leaders are at their wits' end about a solution to the economic crisis, Mr. David Cameron has presented his initiative to create the "Big Society." One possible means of implementing the Big Society, "Capital Homesteading," in my opinion, should be given serious consideration. I believe that Capital Homesteading has the potential to restore the British economy in a manner that not only allows full participation in benefits of growth by every man, woman, and child in the United Kingdom, but shows the way for the rest of the world.

Mr. Pollant Mpofu of London recently sent Mr. Grant Shapps a letter outlining the potential of Capital Homesteading for Great Britain. Mr. Shapps may want to study the concept and forward it to Mr. Cameron for application.


