This week we have even more reasons for adopting the Economic Democracy Act as soon as possible, if only to keep the system itself running, to say nothing of protecting individual and social rights that seem to be in the process of being nullified or just completely ignored:
Friday, February 28, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Going for the Gold
At first glance, it seems a trifle odd. At second glance, it gets a bit surreal. At third glance . . . well, judge for yourself. The same people that came up with the idea of creating a strategic reserve of cryptocurrency (which makes you wonder if they know what a strategic reserve actually is) are now obsessed with the idea of auditing the gold in Fort Knox.
Monday, February 24, 2025
JTW Podcast: An Overview of Medieval Logic
We can get into this video quickly. As “Professor Dave” says, “Having covered medieval philosophy, let’s also investigate the status of logic at this time. Some of the figures we discussed, like Abelard and Boethius, made contributions to logic that are worth discussing in some detail. Let’s get a closer look!”.
Friday, February 21, 2025
News from the Network, Vol. 18, No. 08
“May you live in interesting times” is allegedly an ancient Chinese curse. It’s not really, but an expression in English used ironically, but that’s neither here nor there, given the events of the past week. Clearly, we need the Economic Democracy Act as soon as possible.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Which Version of Democracy?
For years we have been talking about the need for the Economic Democracy Act (EDA) as what we believe has the best chance not merely to offer everyone in the world (at least potentially) a decent material life (and thus the foundation for becoming more fully human and fulfilling one’s potential), but to resolve some extremely pressing problems in the political, social, and domestic realms. This, of course, raises the question as to what we mean by “Economic Democracy” . . . which in turn leads to the question as to what we mean by “democracy.”
Monday, February 17, 2025
JTW Podcast: Late Medieval Philosophy; The Scholastic Period
This week Professor Dave looks at “Late Medieval Philosophy,” which (as we might expect) follows up on last week’s short piece on “Early Medieval Philosophy.” As Professor Dave explains, “We've covered early medieval philosophy, so let's move forward to the later part of this era, which is called the Scholastic period. This is marked by a strong Aristotelian influence, as well as the rise of universities as we know them today. Several of the more prominent figures of this time, like Avicenna, came from the Middle East, so let's hear what they had to say!”
Friday, February 14, 2025
News from the Network, Vol. 18, No. 07
Over the past couple of weeks, it has become obvious that few if anybody in power has any idea what is going on or what to do about it. Might we suggest the Economic Democracy Act?
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Fulton Sheen, Social Justice, Solidarism, and Economic Personalism
There has been a spate of memes in the social media recently ostensibly quoting the late Fulton Sheen to the effect that Judas is the patron saint of social justice. This does not ring true for a couple of reasons. Most obviously, Sheen, “the American Chesterton,” was a master of language and witty repartee, skilled at making an otherwise subtle nuance plain, albeit in a clever manner. The statement is just too crude and blunt; it is not Sheen’s style.
Monday, February 10, 2025
JTW Podcast: Early Medieval Philosophy
This week Professor Dave looks at “Early Medieval Philosophy.” What? We’re finally done with those old ancient fogies and going with the old Medieval fogies? Yes. As Professor Dave explains, “With ancient philosophy covered, it's time to move into medieval philosophy. This era is dominated by a strong link with theology, and all the most significant contributors to philosophy in this era were largely commenting on religious doctrine. But figures like Aristotle still had a strong influence on these thinkers, so let's see what sort of progress was made during these centuries.”
Friday, February 7, 2025
News from the Network, Vol. 18, No. 06
We’re still trying to figure out which way things are going with the new administration . . . as are most people. What’s the answer? How about the Economic Democracy Act?
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
How to Get Rid of $37 Trillion of Debt
No, we’re not kidding. Much. This could actually work . . . at least until people catch on that the whole cryptocurrency craze is what Charles MacKay would have called an extraordinary popular delusion and a madness of crowds. This sort of thing, of course, formed the subject of MacKay’s 1841 book titled . . . well, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.
Monday, February 3, 2025
JTW Podcast: The Economic Democracy Act
Getting back to a specifically Just Third Way topic for these podcasts, this week we have a new production from CESJ: “The Economic Democracy Act: Getting Capital Ownership, a Second Income, and Economic Power to Every Citizen.” As Norman Kurland, Dawn Brohawn and the CESJ Team describe it,