Monday, March 3, 2025

JTW Podcast: Intro to Modern Philosophy, Emergence of Rationalism

Finally, we get to “modern philosophy,” which to many people equates with something else . . . but let’s see what “Professor Dave” says: “With medieval philosophy covered, it's time to dive into modern philosophy, which started with the Renaissance, and lasted until the turn of the 20th century. The beginning of this era is market by the onset of rationalism and empiricism, two contrasting schools of thought, each with many influential adherents. Let's start out by discussing rationalism, through figures like Descartes, Spinoza, Pascal, and Leibniz.”



You must click on the link below to get to the video, not on the photo.

The Emergence of Rationalism

(The links right above are what you're supposed to click on.)

And if you want the playlists for previous videos:


The Greater Reset Interviews


Economic Personalism (The Book)


Economic Personalism v. The Great Reset


Book Reviews and Other Things


Socialism, Modernism and the New Age
