If anyone can make sense of what is happening in the economy . . . let us know. Otherwise, work for the adoption of the Economic Democracy Act as soon as possible to bring a halt to this sort of thing:
Friday, March 14, 2025
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
A Discourse on Tariffs
Although tariffs are in the news today, it’s astonishing how many people don’t know what they are or how they work. Briefly, a tariff is a tax a government levies on imports. It is not paid by the people of the country exporting goods, but by the people of the country importing the goods. A tariff is intended to raise — “inflate” — the prices of foreign goods for the presumed advantage of producers in the country which imposes the tariff; it “protects” domestic industry by artificially making foreign goods more expensive.
Monday, March 10, 2025
JTW Podcast: Democratizing the Money System
Today’s podcast explains how the Economic Democracy Act (EDA) would reform today's money systems, particularly the Federal Reserve and other central banks, to finance sustainable private-sector growth while creating equal capital ownership opportunities for every citizen, from birth to death. The diagrams explain the mechanics of the Economic Democracy Act — how every citizen could obtain each year new asset-backed money and interest-free, insured, self-repaying capital credit through the commercial and central banking system, to purchase newly issued, dividend-paying, full voting shares of growing companies.
Friday, March 7, 2025
News from the Network, Vol. 18, No. 10
Yet again this we have a virtual tsunami of reasons to adopt the Economic Democracy Act as soon as possible . . . need we say more?
• Rina Sanchinelli. The big news this week was a meeting this past Tuesday with Rina Sanchinelli who currently resides in Italy, not too far from Rome. Doña Rina has concluded some pressing personal business and is anxious to start advancing Solidarism and the Just Third Way of Economic Personalism. As a co-founder of Unión Solidarista Guatemalteca, she may be able to reach out to Solidarność in Poland for their help for building acceptance of Solidarism and the Just Third Way of Economic Personalism as applied in the Economic Democracy Act in Europe, especially as a way of assisting Ukraine in their struggle against Russia.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Inflation and Job Creation
Under the hegemony of Keynesian economics, the global economy must be inflationary. Why? Because . . . well, because, that’s why. Which, of course, is not an answer — but it makes more sense than the actual Keynesian answer. It all lies in how you define inflation. You see, the different schools define inflation differently, and not entirely consistently.
Monday, March 3, 2025
JTW Podcast: Intro to Modern Philosophy, Emergence of Rationalism
Finally, we get to “modern philosophy,” which to many people equates with something else . . . but let’s see what “Professor Dave” says: “With medieval philosophy covered, it's time to dive into modern philosophy, which started with the Renaissance, and lasted until the turn of the 20th century. The beginning of this era is market by the onset of rationalism and empiricism, two contrasting schools of thought, each with many influential adherents. Let's start out by discussing rationalism, through figures like Descartes, Spinoza, Pascal, and Leibniz.”