Monday, October 21, 2024

JTW Podcast: Natural Theology, Part II

This continues last week’s podcast on “Natural Theology”, which is what can be discerned by reason about God, so is applicable across the board to people of all faiths and philosophies, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, or what have you.  Today Sproul covers what G.K. Chesterton called "the Double Mind of Man," the idea something can be both true and false at the same time.  Here is what R.C. Sproul had to say on the subject:



You must click on the link below to get to the video, not on the photo.

Natural Theology, Part II

(The links right above are what you're supposed to click on.)

And if you want the playlists for previous videos:


The Greater Reset Interviews


Economic Personalism (The Book)


Economic Personalism v. The Great Reset


Book Reviews and Other Things


Socialism, Modernism and the New Age
