THE Global Justice Movement Website

THE Global Justice Movement Website
This is the "Global Justice Movement" (dot org) we refer to in the title of this blog.

Monday, September 16, 2024

JTW Podcast: Analogical Language, Part I

And you thought big words were just for dictionaries, not for the instant gratification internet crowd.  This week’s podcast is another lecture from R.C. Sproul, this time on “analogical language.”  And what is “analogical language”?  That’s what you’ll find out today, at least the first part.  Interestingly, Fulton Sheen's doctoral thesis, God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy (1925) is related to this lecture.  Again, you can ignore the fact this lecture is part of a series on Christian apologetics, as the subject concerns thought and logic itself.  Apologetics is just the application.  Here’s what R.C. Sproul had to say on the subject:

Friday, September 13, 2024

News from the Network, Vol. 17, No. 37

More of the same, only more so?  In a sense, yes, this week’s news items bear a strong resemblance to those that have been listed week after week for some time.  Keep heart, though, we’re continuing to work on introducing the principles of the Just Third Way as applied in the Economic Democracy Act:

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Central Banking, III: The Role of a Central Bank

Despite all the conspiracy theories floating around, central banking is essential in a modern technologically and economically advanced economy.  Allowing government to fill the role of a central bank is a serious mistake on so many levels that we won’t get into it.  We’ll focus instead on the mechanics.  So, what is a central bank all about?

Monday, September 9, 2024

JTW Podcast: Sense Perception

Does sense perception have a role in matters pertaining to faith or even to reason itself?  Again, you can ignore the fact that this lecture is part of a series on Christian apologetics, as the subject concerns thought and logic itself.  Apologetics is just the application.  Here’s what R.C. Sproul had to say on the subject:

Friday, September 6, 2024

News from the Network, Vol. 17, No. 36

It seems the Federal Reserve Open Market Committee is worried about the interest rate and the unemployment rate.  It is a Keynesian dogma, constantly disproved, that there is a tradeoff between inflation and employment . . . except that Keynes said there is no such thing as real inflation until full employment is reached.  Is there a way to get out of this weird paradox?  Yes.  It is only necessary to adopt the Economic Democracy Act, and bring a halt to some of this surreal weirdness:

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Central Banking, II: Commercial Bank Problems

In the previous posting on this subject, we noted that a single commercial bank is always riskier than several commercial banks acting together as part of a system.  There is also the problem that, however sound an individual bank may be and stable its issues with respect to their value over time, the banknotes of one bank will never have the same value as the banknotes of another bank which is independent of the first bank.

Monday, September 2, 2024

JTW Podcast: The Law of Causality

Although this lecture is intended as an “apologetic” for Christianity, we’re presenting it as a basic lesson in principles of logic, using Christianity as an example.  Here’s what R.C. Sproul had to say on the subject: