Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Building a Strategic Plan, Part I of II

As we noted in the previous posting on this subject, CESJ does not support or endorse any candidate for public office.  Any opinions expressed on these matters are personal and represent the views of people as individuals, not as members or representatives of CESJ.  The mention of any specific candidate(s) is purely expedient.

That being said, today we look at the first part of the strategy paper, “Building a Strategic Plan to Gain Support for the ‘Economic Democracy Act’ in the 2020 Presidential Elections” . . . stressing that we mention names of actual politicians and candidates only because they are the logical people to get behind these ideas; no endorsement or condemnation of any kind is intended or implied.  (Is that strong enough for you?)  By the way, if you want the entire paper, it can be found here.


I. Building a Strategic Plan to Gain Support for the

“Economic Democracy Act” in the 2020 Presidential Elections

(August 27, 2020)


1.     OBJECTIVE:  For Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Donald Trump and Mike Pence, or any other candidate for public office in any country to adopt the “Economic Democracy Act” in order to win the 2020 — or any future — election.


2.   GLOBAL BASIS OF PROPOSAL: Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted at the formation of the United Nations in 1948 reads:


(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

“(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.”




     In recent years, Americans have become more polarized than in any time since the U.S. Civil War. There has been a dramatic rise in racist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, anti-immigrant and other hate groups whose activities and propaganda have spread nationally and globally, with virtually no opposition from the current president and his supporters.


     America has become further isolated from its friends and allies, as current mercantilist policies threaten to escalate trade wars into armed conflict around the world. Under the leadership of dictators, China and Russia’s influence and power are filling the vacuum left by America’s lack of a global leadership vision, threatening our national security and ability to compete in the global economy.


     The pandemic economy has collapsed businesses large and small, bringing record unemployment, rising home foreclosures, and growing homelessness and hunger throughout America and the world — and no clear plan from any political party of where the money will come from to finance economic recovery and future “green growth.”


     Meanwhile, the money and credit creation policies of the world’s central banks, including the Federal Reserve System of America, have driven wider the wealth, income and power gap between the rich and the non-rich (such as the top 0.1% in the U.S. versus the majority of Americans), with the Wall Street gambling casino reaching record highs and making the super-rich even richer.


    The pandemic has laid bare an unjust global money system that has denied equal protection under the law and has created barriers to equal opportunity for every citizen, in every country, in all facets of society. For growing numbers of people, access to such basic social goods as quality education, affordable healthcare and housing, transportation, a just voting process, a healthy environment, and the means to become empowered as a capital owner, is rapidly moving out of reach.


     Hardest hit in the U.S. by the pandemic and the sick economy are African Americans (including those identifying as Descendants of American Slaves), Native Americans and Hispanic Americans. If present U.S. economic policies and systems remain unchanged, people in these groups will become even more marginalized, impoverished and disenfranchised.


    At the same time, widely publicized cases in the U.S. of police brutality against African American citizens have given prominence to the Black Lives Matter movement. This has drawn massive support from people of all ethnicities, ages and income brackets throughout the world to address, once and for all, America’s and the world’s history of slavery, segregation, racial inequality, group violence, and systemic poverty.


     In the political arena, in common with candidates in many countries, Joe Biden (who owes his nomination to African American voters) and Kamala Harris are poised to challenge in the coming November 3rd elections current White House incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence for future leadership of America. In terms of new policies and reforms, Biden and Harris — again in common with other challengers and incumbents throughout the world — bring nothing to the voters except more government redistribution and socialist solutions such as “Medicare for All” and the Universal Basic Income approaches advocated by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and self-avowed “democratic socialists” in Congress and in nations throughout the world.


       Hardly surprising, polls show that much of Biden and Harris’ support — in common with challengers everywhere — is coming from citizens voting against Trump, while the majority of Trump’s supporters (again in common with incumbents everywhere) are voting for Donald Trump, a lifetime champion of economic elitism and selfishness.  None of the four White House candidates offer voters a more just and empowering economic system that would reverse the growing income dependency of at least 90% of all citizens on elitist-controlled and State-supplied money and services.


     While as of August 18, 2020, Biden held a double-digit lead over Trump in voter support, there are at least two large blocs of voters who will not be voting for Biden:  pro-life supporters and loyal supporters of Bernie Sanders who view Biden as not sufficiently “progressive” (i.e. socialist).  Similar situations probably exist in other countries.


This “Strategy Paper” will be concluded in the next posting on this subject.
