Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Rally for Monetary Justice

In the spirit of full dignity, empowerment and liberty for every person, and a life-enhancing future for every child, woman and man on our precious Earth, the Center for Economic and Social Justice and Coalition for Capital Homesteading invite you to join us April 22-23, 2016 for our annual social justice event, the Rally for Monetary Justice.

Our gathering is dedicated to meeting the global design challenge of “making the world work for 100% of humanity” — with a focus on organizing people power to lift artificial barriers to equal access to money power for sustainable growth and capital ownership opportunities for all.
Not QUITE what we mean by "green money," but close enough.
This year the Rally is on April 22nd (to coincide with Earth Day) at the Federal Reserve Building in Washington, DC.  Two days later, on the Centenary of the April 24, 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin, CESJ and the Colonel John Fitzgerald Division Number 1, Arlington County, Virginia, of the Ancient Order of Hibernians will officially launch Easter Witness: From Broken Dream to a New Vision for Ireland, a book that includes a proposal to make Ireland a global model for economic and social development for the 21st century (which would make it the second time, as our Irish friends inform us, that the Irish saved civilization).
So mark your calendars for the Twelfth Annual Rally for Monetary Justice (Friday, April 22, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. EST).  We will gather at Mall Area #5 on Constitution Avenue between 20th and 21st Streets, NW, across the street from the entrance of the Federal Reserve. The theme of this year's rally, in recognition of Earth Day, is "Green Growth, Green Money."

For information on the 2016 Rally for Monetary Justice and links to special materials, visit the April 2016 Events Page.

Own or be Owned,

Norman G. Kurland
President, Center for Economic and Social Justice
Co-Founder, Coalition for Capital Homesteading