Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Pope Francis and the Just Third Way

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programing to bring you an important news bulletin.  This past Saturday the venerable Homiletic and Pastoral Review (the oldest magazine for Catholic clergy in the United States) published “Pope Francis and the Just Third Way,” an examination of the principles of economic and social justice in light of Pope Francis’s expressed concerns.

Pope St. John Paul II offered CESJ his personal encouragement.
While the byline is that of Michael D. Greaney, CESJ’s Director of Research, Dawn K. Brohawn, CESJ’s Director of Communications, and Dr. Norman G. Kurland, president of CESJ, had a great deal of input — as did the writings of Father William Ferree, S.M., Ph.D., popes Leo XIII, Pius XI, John Paul II, and Francis (among others), and, of course, Louis O. Kelso and Mortimer J. Adler.

Within a few hours a number of very positive comments have come in, viz.,

Excellent article, I’m so glad to finally read something on Catholic Social Teaching that makes logical sense. Thank you!” — Maria

Beautifully done.  God bless your work.” — D.F.

“I am thrilled this was published!  I will continue to pray it receives a fair hearing and if it is God's Will that it can be part of the solution to the economic injustice widespread in the world.” — Stephen W.

“Thank you for this.” — Max W.

“It’s about TIME someone said this]!” — G.S.

"Praise God!!" — Lisa D. 

"Thanks be to God you're on the right side!" — F.D.M.

"A great job with this article!" Peter H. 

“Right on target. Bull’s eye for Catholic social teaching.” — Br. John S. 

We urge you to visit the website via the link given above, and share on FaceBook and tweet the article to your network(s).
