Monday, November 17, 2008

The Path Not Taken

By Jether Giacomini, Guest Blogger, Saõ Paulo, Brazil

After the Industrial Revolution, production of goods and services became capital intensive. That is, apparently many people became unable to earn a living solely through their labor power.

At this point, humanity had two paths to follow. One was to devise a way to make everyone an owner of capital instruments, making them able to earn a living in a post-industrial world. Another was not to devise a way to make everyone an owner of capital instruments, letting many of them unable to earn a living in a post-industrial world.

Humanity chose the latter. What happened? Well, what happens if you can't earn a living? You die, you are dependent, you rob (that is, you are dependent, but you coerce somebody to sustain you). Can you believe that humanity chose to die, to be dependent upon people who can earn a living or people who cannot, but steal who can, and rob (another thief or somebody productive through his labor and/or capital)?

Sad, but true. We live in a Culture of Death, our institutions are still very barbaric, they were not perfected, brought up to the design of the U.S. Constitution when advanced industrial economies came into existence. There will be no true capitalist democracy until every household participates in the production primarily through capital instruments. U.S. or U.S.S.R., does not matter in this respect, both chose to not make everyone capable of earning a living in this new society, they chose the other three "alternatives."

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