Friday, October 31, 2008

News from the Network, Vol. 1, No. 10

Things are starting to percolate as the election draws nearer and people begin to realize that neither of the two major candidates, both trapped in the Keynesian paradigm, has anything of substance to offer for fixing the collapsing structures of our economy.
• Former Congressman Rev. Walter Fauntroy is making a major effort to open up meetings for CESJ spokesman Norman Kurland to introduce Capital Homesteading solutions to high-level policymakers and economic advisors involved in the financial crisis.

• Michael D. Greaney's book, In Defense of Human Dignity: Essays on the Just Third Way from a Natural Law Perspective, ISBN 978-0944997024, Economic Justice Media, $20.00, has been selected as "Book of the Week" by "Catholic Ireland." Review copies (in electronic format) have been distributed to a number of blog sites, and interest has been expressed in some quarters in using the book in fundraising. If you are interested in reviewing the book for a print or internet publication, you can request a free PDF version from mgreaney [at] cesj [dot] org. The book is available in print from Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. There is a 20% discount on quantity orders placed through CESJ.

• David Walker, former Comptroller General of the United States, has scheduled a telephone meeting with CESJ president Norman Kurland, to take place in January 2009. Mr. Walker previously met both Norman Kurland and Louis Kelso, and spoke favorably of the Kelsonian economic programs. Norman Kurland will introduce Mr. Walker to new applications of Kelsonian binary theory, focusing on the Homeowners' Equity Corporation and Capital Homesteading as a means of fostering economic growth while at the same time paying down the growing national debt.

• CESJ member and libertarian Guy Stevenson has been working on getting materials on the Just Third Way to Alan Keyes. Much of what Keyes says is already consistent with the Just Third Way. Guy is trying to arrange a meeting between Norman Kurland and Keyes, who has spoken favorably in the past about expanded capital ownership as part of a justice-based U.S. foreign policy.

• A group of students and faculty advisors from William and Mary will be visiting CESJ in January 2009. The students are interested in careers in the social justice field.

• Don Killoren of the Public Revenue Education Council (a leader in the Henry George school of economics) in Webster Groves, Missouri, USA, wrote recently to Norman Kurland about his very positive impressions of the August 2008 Social Justice Collaborative organized by CESJ, to seek better understanding and support for an interfaith Abraham Federation that would unite Kelsonian binary economists, Georgists and distributists of the American Chesterton Society. Don, who mentioned that he is still studying the ideas that were discussed at the event, commented: "No doubt that was the greatest exchange of ideas of any convention I have ever been involved with. My hat is off to you and your organization. Because of these interchanges, I am working over in my thinking the vast implications of the moral concepts of strict justice and social justice, land and capital, money and capital. Nowhere in the popular press, TV presentations, and articles I have encountered is anyone (except us, of course) getting to the underlying causes of the economic problems we are experiencing. Unless we look into the possibility that our first premises are faulty, there is no way to solve the problems caused by the quicksand foundation upon which our economic house is built."

• As of this morning, the Just Third Way blog has had visitors from 33 different countries and 47 states and provinces in the United States and Canada over the past two months.
We welcome your news items and progress reports, as well as your comments (positive and not-so-positive) about these reports and blogs. If you have a SHORT item about how you are advancing the Just Third Way, or would like to submit something as a guest blogger, send us a note about it at mgreaney [at] cesj [dot] org.

Donations to CESJ support our Capital Homesteading projects and Just Third Way initiatives, and are tax deductible in the United States under IRC § 501(c)(3).