Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Matter of Jurisdiction, II: The State and Marriage

Olde Tyme Civil Contract
In yesterday’s posting we learned that you can’t always believe what the media say about what anyone says, especially Pope Francis (a.k.a., the coolest pope ever).  As astounding as this revelation no doubt is to some, it’s really business-as-usual.  The issue was “civil unions” and (surprise, surprise), the pope said that he wasn’t going to say anything until he knew the facts.
The re-definition of marriage is another thing entirely.  That battle not only should be fought, it must be fought.  It will require constitutional law experts with a bit more savvy about the natural law than is evident in today's legal profession, and even a complete sea-change in the interpretation of, e.g., the U.S. Constitution along the lines described by the late William Winslow Crosskey (1894-1968), possibly the greatest constitutional scholar of the 20th century.

The bottom line in the United States is that the Supreme Court and Congress must once again recognize that rights are not a grant from the State, but are inherent in the human person.  The Constitution is not a grant of rights from the State to the people, but from the people to the State.

Out-argued Old Scratch
In order to fight this battle, people need power.  Since, as Daniel Webster observed, “Power naturally and necessarily follows property,” this means that “as many as possible of the people [should] become owners.” (Rerum Novarum, § 46.)

The Capital Homestead Act is specifically designed to return power to the people through an aggressive program of expanded capital ownership funded by the expansion of commercial bank credit backed up by the money creation powers of the Federal Reserve.

Nor should advocates of same-sex unions and the redefinition of marriage be slow to promote Capital Homesteading.  If they believe themselves to be in the right (and, no doubt, many of them are sincere in promoting their causes), they should not be afraid of putting everyone on an equal footing to be able to resolve these issues in the public arena, rather than to have them rammed down people's throats by a government seemingly intent on taking over every aspect of people's personal, civil, religious, and domestic lives.
