Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Halloween Horror Special V: The Invisible Government

A standard plot for cheap ripoff horror films and cheap parodies of cheap ripoff horror films is the invisible man, who is either insane to begin with, or becomes insane as a direct result of the invisibility serum/machine/process/magical spell. People — usually pretty girls who can hold the backs of their hands to their mouths and scream piercingly while exhibiting impeccable dentition — die, more or less horribly (albeit in black and white, which is less bloody and more Hershey's syrupy), usually without knowing what the heck is killing them, or at least wondering how that butcher knife can float around in the air. While the audience knows what is going on, at least three-quarters of the movie is spent watching the people on the screen develop theories to explain the carnage, identify the wrong villain, run around doing exactly the wrong thing, and so on, until somebody finally figures out that, by Godfrey Daniels, it's an invisible man!

Fast-forward to our feature presentation. The economy is going bawoosh, everybody and his brother seems to be running around blaming everybody else and his brother, and looking to the government for salvation. Unfortunately, out here in the audience in CESJ-land, we already know that the "invisible man" who's been running around wreaking havoc is the very government that people are looking to for help.

Obviously, this also works with bloodsucking vampires, who — to the surprise of the characters — turn out to be the most obvious participant in the "drama."

That's why it's not really a surprise that the Nobel Prize for the obvious has again been awarded. Two Americans received the prize for economics "for their empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy." As the news reports report, "The two laureates, both 68, have developed methods to examine cause and effect when it comes to questions such as how economic growth and inflation are influenced by a temporary increase in interest rates or a tax cut." Not how the government affects the economy or to what degree. That's a given. What these geniuses have discovered is how to detect the interference.

In other words, the two Harvard economists have worked out new ways to figure out how the government baffles people about the cause of the adverse effects when the State screws around with the free market, goes insane, and embarks on a killing spree . . . we mean, engages in another round of quantitative easing to bring the economy back to life. "It's a-live!" they exult. Not really. It's just flopping around on the table as it breathes its last gasp.

Obviously, this also works with Frankenstein's monsters manufactured out of spare parts, a rather neat metaphor for the patchwork monetary and fiscal policy in place throughout virtually the entire world.

Actually, this works with just about any type move monster you can imagine. The only question is when people are going to realize that the one they've been looking to for a solution is the one strewing bodies all over the landscape.
