Mr. Mpofu recently sent a letter to Mr. Shapps (and is currently working on a petition), recommending that he give serious consideration to Capital Homesteading as a means of laying the foundation of the Big Society and building a sustainable and participative economy for all. There is no particular reason why Mr. Shapps should pay attention to Mr. Mpofu's suggestions — Mr. Mpofu has neither the money nor votes that constitute the usual political currency, and he's in a different party. All he has is the idea . . . but as the late Senator Russell Long of Louisiana put it during his dinner with Louis Kelso and Norm Kurland, "I don't care who's right, I care what's right — and this is right."
All that may be necessary for Mr. Shapps — and thus Mr. Cameron — to give serious consideration to Capital Homesteading is for a few (hundred. . . thousand) people to sent brief e-mails to Mr. Shapp in support of Mr. Mpofu's initiative (and no one says you can't still send something to Mr. Cowen or the Irish media). Politicians usually multiply each e-mail by some factor, since most people, even those who feel deeply about a subject, don't write letters or send e-mails. Even if the e-mails do not come from constituents, evidence of support for Capital Homesteading from members of the global community should have a positive effect.
Mr. Shapps's e-mail is He also has a forum,, on which you can register to post items, but we suggest waiting to see if he does anything for Capital Homesteading before committing yourself as a supporter.
Suggested Subject Lines:
Capital Homesteading
Adopt Capital Homesteading
Capital Homesteading Now
Capital Homesteading for the Big Society
Capital Homesteading = Big Society
Restore the UK as a World Leader through Capital Homesteading
Suggested Heading:
DATE (may be omitted)
Mr. Grant Shapps
Minister of State for Housing and Planning
Dear Mr. Shapps:
Suggested Texts:
I support Mr. Pollant Mpofu's recommendation that you give serious consideration to Capital Homesteading as a potential means to implement the Big Society and as a foundation for growing a sound economy in the future.
Mr. Pollant Mpofu recently sent you a letter regarding adoption of Capital Homesteading as a way of implementing the Big Society. I support this initiative and believe that it merits serious consideration, both for the United Kingdom and as a model for the rest of the world.
Kindly add my voice to those suggesting that you give serious consideration to Capital Homesteading as a possible means to implement the Big Society.
Sincerely yours,
[N.B.: The Irish and the English use "kindly" where Americans tend to use "please," and vice versa.]
The United Kingdom has the opportunity to lead the world in showing the way to a sound solution for the current economic crisis by giving serious consideration to the adoption of Capital Homesteading to implement the Big Society. I support this initiative by Mr. Pollant Mpofu.
If you want to compose your own note, keep a couple of things in mind:
Keep it short.
Be respectful.
Mention the "Big Society." This is Mr. Cameron's initiative to reduce the size of government and giving people more power over their own lives.
You're not recommending or endorsing Capital Homesteading, only suggesting that Mr. Shapps take a look at the concept and judge it on its own merits. Thus, even if you don't fully support or agree with Capital Homesteading, you can state in all honesty that it is a proposal that should be given serious consideration.
Avoid any phrases such as, "While I disagree completely with Capital Homesteading, the Just Third Way, truth, love, and justice, . . ." We need to get Mr. Shapps to look at Capital Homesteading and get the idea to the Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron.