Monday, February 27, 2023

JTW Podcast: Fulton Sheen on Firing Line


This week we're putting the late Fulton Sheen on the firing line . . . or was that Fulton Sheen on Firing Line?  In either case, you're bound to see something interesting, although not, perhap, as interesting (or at least as immediate) as the Economic Democracy Act:

Friday, February 24, 2023

News from the Network, Vol. 16, No. 08

Today is the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, or (as some are putting it) Day 366 of Russia’s 10 day “special military operation.”  Given that no sane person believes claim of saving the world from gay Nazis through war crimes and atrocities, it seems reasonable to expect that the effort would have collapsed months ago.  Instead, Russia continues to push . . . well, if not forward, at least along, losing sometimes more soldiers in a week than it did in Afghanistan in ten year.  Of course, the rest of the world, locked into the economic insanity of Keynesian economics and accumulating more debt in nominal terms than the entire world did in a century before Keynesian economics came along, has nothing to brag about, as can be seen by the refusal to adopt the Economic Democracy Act, but, like Putin, people still insist on implementing failed programs that never worked in the first place:

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Was Henry George a Socialist?

In a recent email, someone stated, “Henry George was definitely NOT a Socialist.  Quite the contrary.  He wanted to untax labour and capital, treat land rents as the source of public revenue and restore the mediaeval system of financing the Crown through land rents.”

Monday, February 20, 2023

JTW Podcast: Fusion Power and Kilowatt Hour

We are not nuclear scientists, but we recognize the importance of power to any civilization, especially a technologically advanced one.  We also recognize the importance of a stable measure of value for a currency for any civilization, especially (again) a technologically advanced one.

Friday, February 17, 2023

News from the Network, Vol. 16, No. 07

Again this week we see a large number of problems that could be solved by adopting the Economic Democracy Act, but people still insist on implementing failed programs that never worked in the first place:

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Some Thoughts on Credit

. . . social credit, that is, the brainchild of Major C.H. Douglas.  Recently we received a question asking whether we were familiar with “the Douglas Scheme,” as the Anglican Christian apologist C.S. Lewis rather pejoratively termed it.  Yes, we are familiar with Major Douglas and his social credit plan, which has nothing to do with what the Chinese have termed “social credit,’ although both rely on intrusive government control.

Monday, February 13, 2023

JTW Podcast: Embodiment of the Human Person

Continuing the series of videos on personalism, today we have Dr. John F. Crosby on “Understanding the Embodiment of the Human Person.”  He puts it in terms of Christianity, but being based on natural law, applies across the board.  In this video he talks about what Dr. Ralph McInerny of Notre Dame called “fideism,” the opposite but equal error of materialism.  Both are forms of “modernism” that separates faith and reason.

Friday, February 10, 2023

News from the Network, Vol. 16, No. 06

As usual, we have nothing spectacularly new to report, although the special segment on Hulu airing tonight might be of great interest.  Otherwise, the list of news items is tophevy with stories about people and situations that would e much better off with the Economic Democracy Act, but we may get there eventually:

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

A Keynesian Contradiction

The first principle of reason is that nothing can both “be” and “not be” at the same time under the same conditions.  This law or principle of (non) contradiction simply means that something cannot both exist and not exist at the same time, e.g., nothing can be a little bit dead.  Something is either dead or alive; Schrödinger’s cat is only half dead and half alive because there’s a fifty percent chance it’s either one, which is known for certain when the box is opened.

Monday, February 6, 2023

JTW Podcast: Intro to Thomistic Personalism

This week we follow up on last week’s podcast that featured the personalism of John Paul II, with a video of the Thomistic personalism . . . of John Paul II.  Okay, so we’re in a rut, or at least we’re not finding enough videos or other shows on the rest of the Just Third Way.  Again, there is nothing in the video about economic personalism as applied in the Economic Democracy Act, but you can’t have everything:

Friday, February 3, 2023

News from the Network, Vol. 16, No. 05

It is very tempting to give the blogging equivalent of “Nothing to see here, move along,” when reporting on various events that advance the Just Third Way (rare) or actively inhibit or prevent the Just Third Way (far too common).  Sadly, too many people seem to be convinced that if we just continue to do what isn’t working and has never worked instead of adopting the Economic Democracy Act, things will be fine:

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The Currency Principle

Nowhere is the pervasiveness of the “New Things” (rei novae) of modernism, socialism, and the New Age more obvious today than in the prevalence of Keynesian economic and monetary policies throughout the world.